Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 22, 2011

i'm ready now!!!

after a long journey..at last smpai gak kt bumi TKC..lwat gak r smpai...6.30 ptg...ermm...so far so good..klu ad klmahan pon..just think positive!!!chaiyok2 TKC!!!!

hr ni nk lwan..first jmpe SESERI..i;m gonna be da best speaker!!!biiznillah!!!gentar~~~~huhu..i can do it..believe in yourself mashitah!!!!pray 4 me...

tibe2 je..alumni yg hbat r dlm bhas dtg..bg tnjuk ajar.ermm..rse rndah dri la plak...

hr ni tknologi ICT!!!gntar~~~

Saturday, May 14, 2011


huh..22 mei ni aku akn g TKC utk bhas HKSBP..preparation???so far so gud..anyway i'll try my best..amin..i gonna be the best speaker..maybe..insyaallah..tkot gilerr!!!actually..xsbar nk g jln2 kt TKC..jln2 cuci mate..hak3..