assalamualaikum dunia!
pernah tak kita semua rasa..kadang-kadang or selalunya dunia ni tak berlaku adil trhadap diri kita?
"dia dapat lebih!mana aci!"
"best la die..kite ape yg ade?"
dunia mmg tak adil! yang cantik dapat perhatian...yang hensem jadi igauan..yang kaya jadi rebutan..yang berpangkat diagung-agungkan...yang lain2..langsung dilupakan...
macam tula dunia...alahai~~
kadang2...hidup tak semudah yg diduga...banyak cabaran..lain org lain cabarannya..kita tahu..kita faham..ada yang lagi susah n berat cabaran hidup mereka..kita tetap bertegas..DUNIA MEMANG TAK PERNAH ADIL!
aku pun begitu..sering mempersoalkan..selalu mempertikaikan..
bukan tak pernah rasa bersalah..tapi..itulah MANUSIA..iman pun sering turun naik..='(
adilkah dunia?yang kaya terus kaya..yang miskin papa kedana..hilang arah tuju..hilang saudara-mara..
adilkah dunia?jika yang cantik terus dipuji-puji sehingga yang lain...rasa terhina..rasa tidak diperlukan sesiapa..
adilkah dunia?yang cerdik dipuja-puja..yang kurang cerdik..ditinggal..dipinggir mcm tu sahaja...
adilkah dunia?yang bermadu..yang berkahwin dua tiga..tak dapat kasih syg sama rata..
tapi..kita perlu ingat satu perkara..kita sendiri yang tentukan adil atau tidak dunia kita..kita yang corakkannya...
jangan sesekali lupa!ALLAH ITU MAHA ADIL..seadil-adilnya..
itu semua bukan ukuran di sisi Allah..seramai-ramai n sebanyak-banyak manusia di dunia..Allah tak pernah lupa kita..selagi kita mengingati DIA..=)
ingat!hidup ini umpama HUTANG!yang kita dapat..mesti kita pulangkan..
ADILKAH KITA?jika dibandingkan apa yang Allah bagi..dgn apa yg kita pulang semula???tanya diri kita..kita salahkan dunia tidak adil kononnya...tapi adilkah kita dgn pencipta kita?
tepuk dada tanya iman..=)
p/s:moga2 bermanfaat!put ur trust on ALLAH ok!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
i'm the survivor!
have you ever imagined that someday,somewhere and'll be one who concerns on you..nobody takes care of you..ahh!but i experienced that..not the first time..but it happened frequently..and is still happened..and of's haunting me..
i wish i will be strong enough to survive right now..i really need someone to rely on..but..this sad story is mine.. no one can pay their attention to listen to my sad story..and so do I..i am trying to smile in front of the other..but sometime i can' is really hard to pretend that you are soooo happy and keep smiling.. but deep in your heart?it's not!
walking alone on the street..talking like no one who want to listen to..doing everything by your sounds weird! really happened to me..owh!i'm crying deep inside='(
but..i am sooooo grateful to be here..INTEC..a great place-to-be..having a new semester..with a new friends and new lecturers..i hope it gonna be the best thing in my life..i hope so..=')
and for sure..thanks god..He gave me good friends and nice roommates for me to rely on...tq sarah and norlin for being a good,nice and gorgeous roommates ever!they help me a lot..and umi..nice to know're sooo strong..i don't feel that i gonna be the same like you do..i keep trying!insyaAllah..=)
MASHITAH!you are stronger than you think!life must go on!don't forget to believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do..
i wish i will be strong enough to survive right now..i really need someone to rely on..but..this sad story is mine.. no one can pay their attention to listen to my sad story..and so do I..i am trying to smile in front of the other..but sometime i can' is really hard to pretend that you are soooo happy and keep smiling.. but deep in your heart?it's not!
walking alone on the street..talking like no one who want to listen to..doing everything by your sounds weird! really happened to me..owh!i'm crying deep inside='(
but..i am sooooo grateful to be here..INTEC..a great place-to-be..having a new semester..with a new friends and new lecturers..i hope it gonna be the best thing in my life..i hope so..=')
and for sure..thanks god..He gave me good friends and nice roommates for me to rely on...tq sarah and norlin for being a good,nice and gorgeous roommates ever!they help me a lot..and umi..nice to know're sooo strong..i don't feel that i gonna be the same like you do..i keep trying!insyaAllah..=)
MASHITAH!you are stronger than you think!life must go on!don't forget to believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do..
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